Commited to Panama

We work daily for the rural communities of our country.

Our Projects

Training Centers

We firmly believe in the human’s ability to overcome itself. That why we provide the necessary tools to accomplish their goals.


What do we teach

Today we approach development by not only working with individuals but also with communities and groups. Our belief is that in order for development to be sustainable, it needs to laser in on themes such as entrepreneurship, education, environmental consciousness, and integrity.


Agricultural Training

Through farms, we teach locals how to efficiently plant vegetables and fruits.



We teach seminars about the things you must practice to have a successful business.

Urban Projects

Entrepreneurship Training

We offer seminars to companies, associations and groups ready to invest in their human capital, so they can achieve sustainable development.

Trained Entrepreneurs
+ 0
Seminars Completed
+ 0
hours per seminar

Section Subtitle

Team members

Yaneth Arrocha

President and Co-Founder

Roberto González


Rosa Atencio

Administrative Assistant

FUSODEP aims to propel people forward across Panama no matter if they are from a small town or the capital. Our endeavors and successes have no limits with allies such as yourself.
Roberto Gonzalez
Co-Founder of FUSODEP

we want to hear from you

Get in touch

You can contact us:

Monday to Friday: from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 

Saturday: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.