Corral de Piedra
“Helping the poor, by being themselves the subject of their own development”
About the project
In November 2017, a house in the Corral de Piedra community burned down. FUSODEP visited the place to provide assistance, and we encountered several indigenous families that didn’t have enough resources to have an education, a good job, house or food.
Our goal is to help the families to improve their life quality through the production of their own food. We do that by building spaces where they could raise chickens, plant crops and raise fish on water ponds. Beside improving their nutrition, they get an income by selling the chickens they raise.

We have benefited
of them are kids and teenagers.

How were the families benefited
We built and improved the houses of the first three families.
We gave seeds to the ten families so they could start their own farms.
Five of the families currently raise chickens, so we built special cages for them.
Two families are raising fish, so we help creating the water ponds they needed.
Two of the families have planted coffee with the help of FUSODEP’s plant nursery program.
Every family had a donation of:
School supplies
Beds and matresses
Stoves, chairs and tables.
They have also been trained on how to efficiently manage their farms, as well on how to prepare food and how to keep a good hygiene.
Our long term projections
We expect every family to be auto-sustainable, and expand this project to other extremely poor communities in the surroundings.
We also need to change the habit the badly oriented programs have made in the past, which is to give the people monetary help. That creates conformism and lack of motivation at work.

How was this project funded
This project wouldn’t be possible without the donations from sponsors in the Netherlands. This help was invaluable to these families, and they will be forever thankful.
Our sponsors:
- Heemskerk Challenge for Panama
- Saint John’s Crusaders
- Stichting Solidariteit
In 2019, we have the funding of a social program called “Vastenactie” that comes from churches in Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands) and surroundings.